Welcome! In this article we'll help you assign different due dates to sections of a course that are cross-listed. Let's get started!
The process for creating different due dates for sections is the same for assignments, quizzes, and discussions. If you are using the New Quizzes tool, contact the Faculty Technology Center at x7230 if you need assistance with changing due dates.
Go to assignments
Click "Assignments" in the course navigation menu.

Select the assignment/quiz/discussion
Edit the assignment/quiz/discussion
Click "Edit" in the top right corner of the page.

Clear the assign to box
Click the "X" on "Everyone" to clear the Assign to box.

Select the first section
Select the first section you would like to assign a due date to. For this example, we'll choose "Section 4".

Create the due date and availability dates
- Add a due date and availability dates in the provided text entry boxes by typing in the date or selecting it using the calendar icon.
- Click "+ Add" to add an additional due date

Select the second section
In the new "Assign to" box that pops up, select the second section you want to assign. We'll pick "Section 7".

Create the due date and availability dates for second section
Add a due date and availability dates in the provided text entry boxes by typing in the date or selecting it using the calendar icon. You do not need to click "+ Add" this time unless you are going to add another due date for another section.

Save the assignment/quiz/discussion
Once all due dates have been assigned, click "Save" in the bottom right corner.

Additional Help Resources
For any questions you may have regarding this article and its topic, please contact the FTC at (208) 496-7230 or comment below. Take a look at the following articles for help with any other related topics.